
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
1st Hour: Tonchi Weaver comes in to talk about the Macarthur Foundation how they have given money to the Rapid City and NDN and because of that it is having a seemingly negative impact in our City. Listen and decide.
Matt continues his discussion of South Dakota's Republican Problem, We have no Identity. The labels are wrong and you are not getting what you thought you were getting.

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
South Dakota has an identity problem with the republican party. Noem ran over Thune, Rounds and Johnson, then proceeded to back up and hit them again. Can they recover? Should they? OUCH!

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Comedian Kevin Bennett comes in to give a perspective on current event like only he can. Hold on it's gonna get crazy. Laughs are plenty!

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
1st Guest: Jessica Pollema of South Dakota Canvassing Drops some truth bombs you have to listen to. YOU WILL NOT be disappointed! Jessica also talks about the shady dealings of the digital election ballot counters Like ES&S and South Dakota's own election software... BPro and if they are not taken out of the election process, we will never have a free vote again. She Claims the system was broke in 2016, but in 2020 Everything was ramped up so there wouldn't be any surprises.
Matt goes on to talk about the extreme RINO problem in South Dakota and the only way to fight it is to do the unexpected. Are you prepared? #SouthDakota

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
#SouthDakota isn't always as it seems, there is a huge political machine built to crush anyone and anything getting in its way. Taffy and Tonchi know this all too well. It's about the power of the Cult of Personality, it's about keeping the state ruled by the predictably moderate. Want your eyes opened a little bit more, give this a listen.
Then Matt shows some evidence on how Georgia was cheated out of their vote, and so much more!

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
SD Rep Tina Mulally of Dist. 35 comes on to talk about the Freedom Caucus and the Trump rally on Friday. Noem threw the SD congressional delegates under the bus to endorse trump. Interesting.

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
You must hear the life changing story of Dr. Ron Archer as he speaks of God's power as he is a testimony to why no one should ever have an abortion.
then Craig Schaunaman comes on to talk about the Navigator CO2 pipeline and how that is similar and different to the Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline. As the SD PUC will be starting hearings next week.

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
It's always a good time when Professor Mike sits in with Matt, you never know what we'll talk about, but we manage to hit on some important issues as Maryann keeps us on topic. The state of the nation isn't funny, but when we talk about it, it seems to be!

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
1st Hour: Tonchi talks about the Local, State and National topics important to South Dakota, a little chit chat about Trump coming Sept 8th and what is with all this smoke!
Hour 2, Steve Shannon, president of the Colo. United American Defense Force chapter and Todd Watkins, Vice Chair of CO. El Paso County GOP Join Eden Rodriguez, mother of 12 yr old Jaiden who stood up to his teachers concerning the Gadsden Flag patch he wore on his backpack. Together we talk about the First Amendment and what the fallout has been since the video aired with Jaiden. The Gadsden Flag is not about slavery, but saying it is, is Marxist!

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Travis lays out who the guest speaker will be at the annual BH Pregnancy Center's Fundraising Dinner. I have committed to a table to fill to hear Dr. Ron Archer speak about his unique story on why abortion is evil.
Amy Wagner joins me in the second hour to talk about the state of the Pennington County GOP, Trump's arrival on Sept 8th and the Lincoln day Dinner with Guest Speaker Sheriff David Clarke.